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A place where you will find creative ways to deepen intimacy in your marriage.

Alice Sanders
First, I should introduce myself. My name is Alice and I am a Communication Specialist who is here to make the world a better place, one marriage at a time. I know that may sound cliche’ but it is truly my desire. You may be able to tell already that I am passionate about cultivating healthy relationships. I have been married since 2011 and my husband, LaDarrius, and I have two children. I will boldly state that I am in love with my husband and absolutely adore the family we have built together.
My goal for my marriage is that we will not simply be married but that we will honestly be happily married. Therefore, through the years, I have devoted hours to studying relationships and marriages. Reading books, listening to podcasts, attending seminars and training all dedicated to developing healthy relationships. Since 2014 I have been a Communication Professor who has studied and taught various theories and techniques that I realized would enhance marriages everywhere. I wanted to share this information that I had accumulated and the lessons that I had learned from personal experience.
Therefore, I created Stay Connected. This is a way for me to share my message and to provide creative ways to deepen intimacy in marriages everywhere.
For more resources and support to help you and your spouse stay connected, follow us on social media.
Your Love Journey
Do you want to experience intimacy in your marriage in a fresh and creative way? Check out how we can help you Stay Connected on your personal Love Journey
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“I learned so much in every session, especially about myself and how important communication is to a relationship. I recommend anyone to take premarital counseling with Alice & LaDarrius. They will guide you through the biblical key principles of marriage. Happy to be part of The Love Journal Family!”
- Wife to Be
“Each session was insightful and impactful. Wouldn’t change anything.”
- Husband to be
“I see no room for improvement as I enjoy every session.”
- Husband to be
“Thank you for not making us feel judged as we worked through our issues & concerns.”
- Husband to be
“So good, it never feels like enough time!”
- Husband to be
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